EOC Plans | Connect broadband | Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula
CONNECT provides EoC Ethernet connection, which offers you high internet speed in low rental prices. When running an internet line for your home or office, you will find that you have various options for wiring, all of which have some special advantages.
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CONNECT offers Ethernet over copper (EoC) services in some areas of Chandigarh Panchkula and Mohali.
Here you can see all latest EoC Ethernet connection plans and other concerned details. CONNECT provides EoC Ethernet connection, which offers you high internet speed in low rental prices. When running an internet line for your home or office, you will find that you have various options for wiring, all of which have some special advantages. You have to choose your preferred broadband connection network, which fits in your budget and your requirements. Practically, Connect EoC (Ethernet over Copper) connection is cheap and best broadband service for people of chandigarh, Mohali & Panchkula areas. You can get Connect broadband DSL or Fiber internet services in Chandigarh, zirakpur, derabassi & Kharar, if EoC is not available in your area. Know CONNECT Ethernet tariffs plans & other price/ speed/ data details. Ethernet over copper (EoC) is hassle-free & mature technology for faster internet connectivity, as compared to other internet techniques. Get your new CONNECT ethernet EoC connection at Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali city and enjoy mega bandwidth in low cost monthly rentals. Get fast Ethernet connection, in less prices than DSL or FTTH broadband services. Enjoy unlimited access to internet at 15 Mbps without any FUP data limit.
Connect Broadband EOC Plans In Chandigarh , Panchkula, Mohali, Zirakpur, Kharar, Nayagoan, Dera Bassi
Connect EOC (Ethernet over copper) tariff plans for Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, zirakpur & Kharar.
- Connect EOC plan
Rs.499/ Monthly
- free setup
- 15 Mbps till 40 GB data
- And after this 5 Mbps unlimited
- Connect EOC plan
Rs.599/ Monthly
- free setup
- 15 / 20 Mbps till 100 GB data
- And after this 5 Mbps unlimited
- Connect EOC plan
Rs.799/ Monthly
- free setup
- 15 / 20 Mbps till unlimited data usage
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